
Back Home to Your Heart

We rarely make room in our hearts for ourselves.

And yet…

The person you most want to receive kindness from is you.

The person you most want to hear ‘I love you’ from is you!

And yet…

The armoring around your heart can be so thick that oftentimes you may be used to touching yourself with judgment and rejection rather than care, kindness and compassion.

To discover how to live from your heart rather than your struggling mind, it is important to open to this radical truth:

You are lovable exactly as you are!

Yes, you are not perfect.  You are perfectly imperfect.

Yes, you are flawed.  You are beautifully flawed.

Yes, you have been on a long journey away from your heart, away from meeting yourself with understanding, acceptance and kindheartedness.  So have all of us!  If you doubt that, look at history, or the dramatic increase in suicides or the power games that are played out on the world stage.

But now, because these words have come into your life, you are on the journey back to your heart.

For just this moment, place your hand tenderly over your heart with care and recognize how shut out of your heart you have been.  And if you can’t do this, contemplate the possibility of sending a little kindness to whatever is keeping your heart closed.

You don’t need to figure out how to come home to your heart.  That is your mind struggling with Life again.  Just simply and sincerely ask Life to guide you home to your heart.  Life has been waiting for this request, and in the right time and in the right way, the pathway back to your heart will make itself known.

  1. I have always given my heart away to others. This is good for generosity, not so good for knowing and owning my own heart for myself.

    Today, I began again by taking myself out into the world, alone with my own heart space cleared of the clutter of the other, enjoying myself and my world as I am. My heart belongs to me, sharing as I choose, and now daring for anyone to take it from me.

    Bless you Mary, for your life giving and life saving reminders for who we really are – at heart.