
Kindness, Kindness, Kindness

There is so much out there now about the phenomenal healing power of kindness.

It is what we all deeply long for – to be seen through the eyes of another’s heart.

And yet we don’t speak a lot about bringing kindness to ourselves.  In fact, it is usually one of the last things we think about.  We are usually kinder to our pets than we are to ourselves.  Not only that, we have a tendency to think that being kind to ourselves is selfish. Nothing could be further from the truth.  It is self-ful!

The person who most longs for your kindness is you.

The person who most deserves your kindness is you.

Even though you have made mistakes and have done unskillful things in your life, you still are worthy of your own kindness.

If you want to make a difference in your life, in your families lives and, in the world, be kind with yourself.  For all the love you share with the world comes from meeting yourself in your own heart.

What would it be like if, just for today, you held the intention to be kind to yourself?  This can be challenging in the beginning because we are so used to putting ourselves out of our own hearts!  Your mind may not only resist this, but it also may do the opposite, judging yourself for not being able to be kind with yourself!  But let that show you how deeply you have been conditioned to put yourself out of your own heart.

Be kind with the most important person to be kind with – you – and you will become a healing presence in the world.

I leave you with a quote from Henry James:

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.”

Remember to be kind with you!

  1. How would you describe kindness to a child? Especially one who has experienced repeated emotional and physical abuse? Thank you.

    1. Perhaps using the child’s feelings for a pet or a toy or a kind person in their life as an example of what kindness feels like. Then encouraging them to express kindness to that one so they get an understanding of what it feels like to express kindness. If the child is old enough, you might tell them that when people aren’t kind, it is because they haven’t been treated with kindness.